Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Evolusi KL Drift (2008) DVDRiP (Malay) Eng Subs

Monday, August 4, 2008
The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)

Doomed by a double-crossing sorceress (Michelle Yeoh) to spend eternity in suspended animation, China's ruthless Dragon Emperor and his 10,000 warriors have lain forgotten for eons, entombed in clay as a vast, silent terra cotta army. But when dashing adventurer Alex O'Connell is tricked into awakening the ruler from eternal slumber, the reckless young archaeologist must seek the help of the only people who know more than he does about taking down the undead: his parents.
As the monarch roars back to life, our heroes find his quest for world domination has only intensified over the millennia. Striding the Far East with unimaginable supernatural powers, the Emperor Mummy will rouse his legion as an unstoppable, otherworldly force...unless the O'Connells can stop him first.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Happy Feet DvdRip (2006)

In the cold land of Antarctica, the Emperor Penguins each express their true love with a special heartsong of their own that expresses their very being. However, the misfit Mumble cannot sing, but instead has an extraordinary talent to tap dance with almost magical energy and expression. Nevertheless, the deeply conformist leadership of the colony fearfully blames the young penguin's unorthodox ways for the lean fishing that threatens them all. Defiant in the face of unjust rejection, Mumble and his true friends set out to find the true cause of the famine. Through the motley crew's trials and perils, Mumble learns many things about his frozen world, not the least of which being that his toe tapping talent may be what he needs to save his people. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (kchishol@rogers.com)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Impak Maksima VCDRip 2007

Year - 2007
Run Time - 1 jam 40 minit
CD - Original Copy
Format Video - Avi (512*336 pixels)
Format Audio - Mp3 (192 kbps)
- Eizlan Yusof (Johari)
- Awal Ashaari (Ayie)
- Dynas Mokhtar (Maria)
- M.Rajoli (Uncle Wan)
- Opie Zami (Amran)
- Zul Huzaimy (Ray)
- Cat Farish (Loyai)
Impak Maksima sebuah cerita yang merangkumi aspek aksi, komedi dan romantik. Ianya berkisar mengenai gejala-gejala social remaja di millennium ini. Cerita ini juga memaparkan salah laku remaja masa kini yang akhirnya sedar akan kesilapan mereka dan pembaziran waktu yang telah mereka lalui.
Cerita bermula dengan Ayie seorang anak muda yang masih menuntut di salah sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi yang amat gemar dengan sukan bermotor iaitu lumba kereta. Masalahnya Ayie sering melibatkan diri dengan perlumbaan kereta haram yang sering di jalankan di highway-highway pilihan mereka. Kehidupan seharian Ayie lebih kepada melepak dengan rakan-rakannya lebih-lebih lagi dengan 2 rakan baiknya iaitu Loyai rakan kolejnya dan Amran makanik kereta. Mereka sering bersama dan tempat favourite mereka ialah di Warung Uncle Wan dimana aktiviti-aktiviti mereka bermula.
Dalam kelekaan Ayie dengan dunia remajanya, dia sering ditegur oleh Abangnya (Johari) yang telah menjaganya semenjak ibubapa mereka meninggal dunia. Joharilah yang menyara segala perbelanjaan Ayie sebab dia ingin melihat adiknya berjaya dan mendapat pendidikan yang secukupnya.
Apabila semester baru kolej bermula Ayie yang juga begitu terkenal di kalangan pelajar-pelajar kolej tersebut telah terserempak dengan seorang freshie (Eva Liana) yang begitu lawa dan telah menarik perhatiannya. Apabila kosentrasi Ayie lebih kepada Eva, Ayie sudah mula kurang untuk berlumba dan melepak dengan rakan-rakan.
Amran mekanik Ayie merupakan seorang Mat Rempit. Berlaku satu insiden apabila Amran kalah pertaruhan dengan Mat Rempit lain di dalam lumba haram mereka. Ianya telah memaksa Amran meminjam duit Ah Long sebanyak RM 5,000.00 untuk melangsaikan taruhan tersebut. Segala aktiviti Amran tidak di ketahui Loyai dan Ayie.
Suatu hari Loyai di datangi Ray, seorang pusher dan terkenal dengan aktiviti haramnya. Ray ingin mencabar Ayie dalam satu lumba Drag. Ayie menolak sebaliknya Amran merasakan yang ianya satu peluang untuk beliau mendapat duit RM 5,000.00 bagi membayar Ah Long. Tanpa pengtahuan Loyai, Amran telah bertemu dengan Ray untuk menerima pelawaan tersebut dengan mempertaruhkan wang sebanyak RM 5,000.00.
Pada hari yang dijadualkan, maka berlansunglah perlumbaan antara Amran dengan Ray. Dalam perlumbaan tersebut ternyata Ray terlalu handal untuk Amran dan telah memenangi perlumbaan tersebut. Amran yang begitu panik setelah kalah telah melarikan diri dari Ray Amran begitu menyesal dengan tindakan bodohnya telah menyembunyikan diri dari Ray sebab dia tak ada duit nak membayarnya.
Berita kekalahan Amran telah di ketahui Loyai. Loyai kemudiannya mendapatkan Ayie untuk sama-sama mencari Amran kerana mereka tahu yang Amran mesti di dalam bahaya. Akhirnya Ayie menjumpai Amran yang bersembunyi di bengkel. Mereka berbincang cara untuk menolong Amran dan mereka bercadang untuk meminta pertolongan dari Johari. Dalam pada mereka berbincang Ray tiba di situ untuk memukul Amran dan Amran yang panik melihat Ray telah memandu lari dengan keretanya. Ray bertambah geram dan telah mengejar Amran. Ayie juga turut serta mengejar Amran dan Ray.
Berlakulah adegan kejar-mengejar antara mereka bertiga. Amran bertambah panik dan memecut lagi laju sehinggalah dia hilang kawalan pada kereta tersebut dan terbabas di tepi jalan. Kereta Amran terbalik dan Amran pula tersepit. Ayie yang melihat akan kejadian tersebut terus memberhentikan keretanya dan cuba menyelamatkan Amran. Malangnya Amran tidak dapat diselamatkan sebab berlaku hentakan yang kuat pada kepalanya. Ayie pula telah di tahan atas tuduhan memandu dengan bahaya di jalanraya.
Kejadian yang menimpa ke atas Ayie dan Amran betul-betul mengecewakan Johari. Johari mencari jalan untuk menyelamatkan adiknya dari lokap. Hanya dengan mengumpan Ray untuk turun berlumba merupakan peluang yang terbaik.
Mampukah Johari mengajak Ray berlumba dengannya dan menyelamatkan adiknya? Semuanya akan terjawab dalam Impak Maksima.
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Waris Jari hantu VCDRip (2007)

Subtitle - English
Year - 2007
Run Time - 1 jam 45 minit
CD - Original Copy
Format Video - Avi (512*336 pixels)
Format Audio - Mp3 (192 kbps)
- Maya Karin
- Rusdi Ramly
- Azean Irdawaty
- Nanu Baharudin
- Kavita Sidhu
Tina dan Ari berkawan baik, dan bersaudara dengan Tok Wan Rimau, penjaga harimau saka Tina, yang sedang mencari waris perempuan untuk menurunkan ilmu sakanya. Tok Wan dan harimau saka melindungi keluarganya dan Pekan Mendekar dari bahaya.
Ari sering diejek oleh penduduk kampung dengan gelaran ‘Mat Kepit’, atau ‘Mat Patah’. Walaupun begitu, Tina setia berada di sisi Ari, malah menyimpan perasaan cinta yang mendalam terhadap Ari, dan berharap akan berkahwin dengannya satu hari nanti. Ari memendam rasa luka yang mendalam disebabkan ejekan-ejekan itu, lantas menyembunyikan dirinya untuk melupakan realiti yang pahit melalui persahabatannya dengan Tina.
Walaupun dihalang keras oleh keluarga, ternyata Tina pilihan Tok Wan untuk menjadi pewaris saka. Sehinggalah Ari yang sayangkan Tina menawarkan dirinya menjadi pengganti…
Dan seterusnya ??? download la untuk mengetahuinya !!! ekeke !!
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MukhSin VCDRip 2006

Subtitle - Malay
Year - 2007
Run Time - 1 jam 40 minit
CD - Original Copy
Format Video - Avi (512*336 pixels)
Format Audio - Mp3 (192 kbps)
- Mohd Syafie Naswip sebagai Mukhsin
- Sharifah Aryana sebagai Orked
- Sharifah Aleya sebagai Mak Inom
- Adibah Noor sebagai Yam
Filem Mukhsin berkisar tentang kasih sayang dan percintaan antara watak Orked, 10, dan Mukhsin, 12. Filem ini memaparkan tentang rasa cinta pertama yang timbul di hati mereka.
Orked bukan seperti budak perempuan lain, yang lebih suka bermain masak-masak dan kahwin-kahwin. Dia yang kasar kelakuannya, sukar diterima kanak-kanak lain di kampungnya. Malah, orang kampung memandang aneh keluarga ini seperti ketika Orked dan ibu, Mak Inom bermain hujan sementara ayah, Pak Atan melagukan keroncong.
Satu hari, Orked memerhati budak-budak lelaki bermain ‘hantu galah.’ Bila seorang pemainnya terseliuh kaki ada yang mencadangkan Orked menggantinya, tetapi seorang budak lelaki lagak ketua bukan saja enggan, malah membaling bola ke arahnya.
Orked diam, tidak mengelak biarpun bola yang dibaling keras terkena badannya. Sedang mereka mentertawakannya, dia membalas dengan membaling bola sama ke arah budak lelaki tadi yang terkena dahinya.
Dan, hidup Orked pun berubah.
Kehadiran Mukhsin, budak lelaki itu yang datang bercuti di kampungnya membibitkan persahabatan di antara mereka. Orked malah bergaya seperti Mukhsin - baju dan seluar lusuh, serta berkaki ayam, bermain dengan budak lelaki, memanjat pokok dan berbasikal.
Tapi, sebagai kanak-kanak yang meningkat remaja, Mukhsin mula menyimpan rasa terhadap Orked, menyebabkan wujud permasalahan antara mereka. Dan, bagaimana perasaan cinta mampu merosakkan sebuah persahabatan.
Dan Aper seterusnya ??? download la untuk mengetahuinya !!! ekek !!
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Zombi Kampung Pisang (2007)

Year - 2007
Genre - Komedi / Seram
Run Time - 1 jam 30 minit
CD - Original Copy
Format Video - Avi (512*336 pixels)
Format Audio - Mp3 (192 kbps)
- Awie
- AC Mizal
- Soffi Jikan
- Que Haidar
- Ezlynn
- Nadia Mustafar
- Ruminah Sidek
- Zami Ismail
- Loloq
- Hamid Gurkha
- Mazlan (Senario)
- Jalil Hamid
Ketenteraman dan kedamaian Kampung Pisang tiba-tiba bertukar menjadi kecoh dan huru-hara pada suatu malam. Kekecohan bermula dengan kematian mengejut Pak Abu, Bilal kampung tersebut yang terjatuh daripada basikalnya semasa pulang ke rumah. Tiga pemuda kampung yang sedang melepak di tepi jalan telah menyaksikan kejadian itu lalu mengusung mayat Pak Abu pulang ke rumahnya. Mereka bertiga memaklumkan kepada Pak Jabit, Ketua Kampung. Pak Jabit datang menziarah, namun beliau juga tak semena–mena meninggal dunia semasa sedang memeriksa mayat Pak Abu. Keadaan menjadi bertambah gawat. Ketika ketiga-tiga pemuda tersebut berbincang mengenai kejadian yang menimpa, jeritan dari atas rumah mengejutkan mereka. Cikgu Munah dan Cikgu Maimun, anak-anak perempuan Pak Abu memberitahu yang kedua-dua mayat tadi telah hilang. Kerantong dipalu, memecah keheningan Kampung Pisang pada malam itu. Orang kampung mula berkumpul di Dewan Orang Ramai. Ketika kekecohan itu, beberapa orang lagi rebah meninggal dunia. Tiba-tiba bekalan eletrik terputus dan keadaan menjadi gelap. Mayat-mayat tersebut yang telah menjadi 'Zombie' mula menyerang orang-orang kampung. Pihak dimaklumkan dan siasatan dijalankan. Keadaan menjadi bertambah gawat dan huru-hara apabila penduduk kampung bertempiaran lari ke sana sini untuk menyelamatkan diri daripada diserang oleh "Zombie-Zombie".
Apakah musibah dan apakah rahsia di sebalik segala kejadian ini? downlaod laa kalau nak tahu dan kalau tak nak tahu .. tak yah download .. ekeke!!
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Sumolah VCDRIP 2007

Audio - Malay
Subtitle - English
Year - 2007
Genre - Komedi
Run Time - 2 jam 20 minit
CD - Original Copy
Format Video - Avi (512*336 pixels)
Format Audio - Mp3 (192 kbps)
- Afdlin Shauki : Ramlee
- Inthira Charoenpura : Siti
- Awie : Haris
- Patrick Teoh : Honda
- Radhi Khalid : Andy
- Gurmit Singh : Akira
- Terry Gallyot : Hassan
- Gavin Yap : Mickey
- Sabrina Hassan : Salmah
- Mohd Afif : Kodok
- Chichi : Misha
- Akihiko Watanabe : Chairman
- Ben Tan : Tadano
Ramlee (Afdlin Shauki) ialah seorang pemuda yang sering gagal dalam pekerjaan dan sikap tidak kisahnya itu amat mengecewakan ibunya. Dia kemudian menerima cabaran makan sushi sebanyak 20 pinggan dalam masa 2 minit di restoran Boleh Sushi milik Honda (Patrick Teoh). Ramlee kemudian ditawar bekerja di restoran tersebut. Di situ dia berkawan rapat dengan Haris (Awie) dan Andy (Radhi Khalid).
Pada waktu yang sama Ramlee jatuh hati pada anak gadis Honda, Siti (Inthira Charoenpura) yang berdarah campuran Jepun dan Melayu. Sejak itu Ramlee mula mengambil berat tentang kehidupannya.
Sewaktu menyertai satu pertandingan sumo, Ramlee bertemu dengan bekas teman lelaki Siti, Akira (Gurmit Singh) yang telah memalukannya di khalayak ramai.
aper yg terjadi selepas tu !!! downlaod laa kalau nak tahu dan kalau tak nak tahu .. tak yah download .. ekeke!!
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Dark Knight (2008)
Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plague the city streets. The partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as The Joker. Written by Peteagassi
With just one year passed after taking out Ra's Al Ghul's plan to have Gotham eliminated and the mysterious disappearance of Dr. Jonathan Crane AKA the Scarecrow, after the city was nearly plundered with his toxins, Bruce Wayne and his vigilante alter-ego the Batman, continue the seemingly-endless effort to bring order to Gotham, with the help of Lt. James Gordon and newly appointed District Attorney Harvey Dent, but a new threat has now emerged into the streets. The Dark Knight faces a rising psychopathic criminal called The Joker, who's eerie grin, laughter, and inhuman morality makes him more dangerous than what he has yet to unleash. It becomes an agenda to the Batman to stop the mysterious Joker at all cost, knowing that the both of them are in the opposite line. One with no method at all and seeks to see the world plunge into the fire he has yet to lit. One who represents the symbol of hope and uses his own shadow to bring the peace and order he has yet to accomplish on doing. Written by Anonymous
Set within a year after the events of Batman Begins, Batman, Lieutenant James Gordon, and new district attorney Harvey Dent successfully begin to round up the criminals that plague Gotham City until a mysterious and sadistic criminal mastermind known only as the Joker appears in Gotham, creating a new wave of chaos. Batman's struggle against the Joker becomes deeply personal, forcing him to "confront everything he believes" and improve his technology to stop him. A love triangle develops between Bruce Wayne, Dent and Rachel Dawes. Written by Leon Lombardi
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008)

The Ruins (2008)

Mathias' brother, Henrich, vanished shortly before the Americans and Greeks met Mathias--he met a beautiful Dutch archaeologist and decided to meet her at her dig, leaving a hastily drawn map for Mathias to follow in case he wanted to join him. Jeff, Stacy, Amy, Eric, and Pablo decide to accompany Mathias in his search for his brother, taking a bus to Coba for the day. Pablo leaves a copy of the map at their hotel for his two companions--who had gone to fish--to find, thinking that they may want to join the group. Things immediately start to go wrong, as the group isn't well prepared for the heat and insects, and the journey becomes creepy. The poorly drawn map leads them to a Mayan village, where the grievously poor inhabitants appear at first disinterested, and then hostile to the foreigners. The Mayans try to force the vacationers to leave the area. Unmoved by the villagers pleas, they find an almost-hidden trail that they follow to the ruins.
Gun, rifle, and bow-and-arrow wielding Mayan villagers then will not allow the kids to leave. They are forced to climb a large hill covered in vines and red flowers. The situation turns increasingly disturbing as they find Henrich's corpse, covered in the vine and flowers. Further investigation uncovers numerous other corpses covered in the plant, and the plant, it turns out, secretes an acidic sap that burns them all when it is crushed.
A ringing cell phone at the bottom of the mine under the hill lures Pablo, but the rope breaks as he attempts to retrieve it and he falls, breaking his back. Eric is injured slightly trying to rescue him. Gradually, the group discovers that the vine is sentient and carnivorous as it begins to lure them to their deaths, one by one, perfectly mimicking the voices of others.
Jeff and Mathias amputate Pablo's legs after the plant eats part of them. Amy is the first to go, strangled by the plant while Jeff, angry at her for being drunk, ignores her struggles, mistaking for strangled cries for sickness. The plant enters Eric's wound and, though they remove the bulk of it, Eric insists it's still inside him as he repeatedly cuts himself in an effort to get it out.
Jeff is able to hold the group together to a certain extent, always with new ideas about how to conquer their challenges. But he is ultimately killed by the villagers' arrows while trying to sneak past them. Air-headed and distressed Stacy--who has held hope until the last that the other two Greeks will arrive to save them--leaves Pablo unattended, and the plant kills and eats him. Eric flays himself alive trying to remove the plant, which has begun to take over his body again, and then accidentally kills Mathias with his knife when Mathias attempts to stop him. With only Eric and Stacy left, Eric begs her to kill him and put him out of his misery, which she ultimately does. Then, she slashes her wrists on the path at the base of the hill as a warning to others, but the plant moves her away, just as it did other warning signs put up by other victims.
The Mayans leave. Three days later, Pablo's two Greek friends, with a few Brazilians, climb onto the hill to seek out their traveling companion, bringing several others with them.
Wall-E (2008)

Romeo And Juliet 1996 DVDRip

Monday, June 30, 2008
Wanted 2008 Cam XviD
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Bicentennial Man DVDRip (1999)

Friday, June 20, 2008
Indiana Jones Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (2008)

The Mask (1994)

This is the story of a mild-mannered bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss, who has just discovered a mysterious ancient green wooden mask by the sea that is inhabited by Loki, the Norse night god of mischief. But when Stanley puts on the mask, he transforms into an uncontrolled wacky-suited green-skinned cartoony manic superhero "The Mask" that does the craziest things and amazes people in search of justice and a good time too. Written by Anthony Pereyra {hypersonic91@yahoo.com}
Stanley Ipkiss is a bank clerk that is an incredibly nice man. Unfortunately, he is too nice for his own good and is a pushover when it comes to confrontations. After one of the worst days of his life, he finds a mask that depicts Loki, the Norse night god of mischief. Now, when he puts it on, he becomes his inner, self: a cartoony romantic wild man. However, a small time crime boss, Dorian Tyrel, comes across this character dubbed "The Mask" by the media. After Ipkiss's alter ego indirectly kills his friend in crime, Tyrel now wants this green-faced goon destroyed. Written by Ian Pugh {skypilot@ezaccess.net}
Stanley Ipkiss is a typical loser. He is too shy to get girls, doesn't dare to stand up for himself, and is pushed around by his boss. But his world is about to change: When he finds the Mask of Night god Loki, he turns into a manic super hero who conquers the dance floor and wins the heart of beautiful Tina Carlyle. Written by Qrrbirbel
A bank clerk without much success with women comes in to possession of a mysterious mask which transforms him into his inner personality. Set in "Edge City", a big American city with a pollution and gangster problem, as "The Mask" the bumbling clerk becomes an unconventional super hero in search of justice and a good time too. Written by Rob Hartill
Stanley Ipkiss is a young shy man who works in a bank. One day, he discovers a mask by the sea, which (according to an archaeologist) pictures the Norse god of tricks and deception, Loki. When Stanley puts on the mask, he transforms into an uncontrolled reflection of himself, that does crazy things and amazes the people. This new super-hero, the "Mask", falls in love with a singer, Tina Carlyle while he decides to eliminate every gangster in the city. Written by Chris Makrozahopoulos {makzax@hotmail.com}
Kung Fu Panda 2008

It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths. Written by Anthony Pereyra {hypersonic91@yahoo.com}
Sex And The City 2008 TS Line

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry 2007 DVDRip

Larry dares Chuck one day to eat a dead rat, but he falls from the ladder that he was going to the drop the rat from. Chuck saves him but the two are rushed to the hospital and quickly recover. Larry calls in that favor big time when civic red tape prevents him from naming his two kids as his pension beneficiaries. All that Chuck has to do is claim to be Larry's domestic partner on some city forms. They think it will be easy because nobody will ever know. After Chuck agrees to the ruse (though reluctantly so, due in large part to his notorious womanizing), the two men go to Niagara Falls to get married, and Chuck moves in with Larry and his unsuspecting kids.
But an official becomes suspicious, and the new couple's arrangement becomes a citywide issue and goes from confidential to front-page news. Forced to improvise as love-struck newlyweds, Chuck and Larry must now fumble through a charade of domestic bliss under one roof. After surviving their mandatory honeymoon and dodging the threat of exposure, the well-intentioned con men discover that sticking together in your time of need is what truly makes a family.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Incredible Hulk XviD-KAMERA (2008)

Depicting the events after the Gamma Bomb. 'The Incredible Hulk' tells the story of Dr Bruce Banner, who seeks a cure to his unique condition, which causes him to turn into a giant green monster under emotional stress. Whilst on the run from military which seeks his capture, Banner comes close to a cure. But all is lost when a new creature emerges; The Abomination. Written by Graham Kroon
A cure is in reach for the world's most primal force of fury: THE INCREDIBLE HULK. We find scientist Bruce Banner, living in shadows, scouring the planet for an antidote. But the warmongers who dream of abusing his powers won't leave him alone, nor will his need to be with the only woman he has ever loved, Betty Ross. Upon returning to civilization, our brilliant doctor is ruthlessly pursued by The Abomination -- a nightmarish beast of pure adrenaline and aggression whose powers match The Hulk's own. A fight of comic-book proportions ensues as Banner must call upon the hero within to rescue New York City from total destruction. One scientist must make an agonizing final choice -- accept a peaceful life as Bruce Banner or the creature he could permanently become: THE INCREDIBLE HULK. Written bY BABAK A